Jacek Laskowski Reviewed uCertify SCBCD Java 5.0 Course-ucertify

Jacek Laskowski

Jacek Laskowski has been working with Java and Java Enterprise Edition, since its inception and is Sun Certified Java Programmer for Java 5 as well as Sun Certified Business Component Developer for Java EE 5. Jacek is the founder and leader of Warszawa Java User Group. Jacek is a committer and PMC member of Apache Geronimo, Apache OpenEJB, Apache XBean, Apache ActiveMQ and Apache ServiceMix open source projects.

He participated in NetBeans Community Acceptance Test (NetCAT) 6.0 and was awarded as the most active and agile participant. Jacek speaks on Polish (mostly) and international conferences. Continue reading “Jacek Laskowski Reviewed uCertify SCBCD Java 5.0 Course-ucertify”

Targeting Oracle 10g DBA Certifications

What is Oracle certification? How many Oracle credentials are available? Which credential to choose in order to start the certification path? These are some of the questions that may be striking your mind.

This article will provide you sufficient insight to all the certification programs offered by Oracle on the 10g technology. We will also try to explain the various job roles and the strategies to be adopted while preparing for these certification exams.

Certification paths

Here’s a description of the three levels of certification paths:

Oracle 10g OCA: The Oracle 10g OCA is the first step in the Oracle database 10g certification track. It is the stepping-stone in the Oracle 10g certification path. The demand for a highly skilled DBA is on the rise, and OCA credential is a great way to get started. It is an entrance level credential and makes the foundational skills robust to manage important database administration and configuration functions. To become an OCA on Oracle 10g, you will have to pass the 1Z0-042 exam. Continue reading “Targeting Oracle 10g DBA Certifications”

Mischa Kroon reviewed uCertify 70-305 Course

Mischa Kroon

Mischa Kroon is an independent IT Consultant based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. He has done numerous successful small and large web projects using ASP / ASP.Net and other relating web technologies. Mischa blogs about internet technologies and productivity tools for programmers ranging from Code Generation, Asp and Asp.Net to open source technologies such as MySql and Ruby on Rails.

In his free time he enjoys life through festivals, concerts and through hanging out with friends.

Mischa reviewed the uCertify 70-305 exam PrepKit, which can be used to prepare for the MCSD, MCAD and MCDBA certifications. Continue reading “Mischa Kroon reviewed uCertify 70-305 Course”

Nitin Pai reviews uCertify’s SCWCD PrepKit

Nitin Pai

Nitin Pai is a Software Engineer and has been working with Larsen and Toubro Infotech Limited since 2006. He is a certified Java Programmer (SCJP), Web Component (SCWCD) and Web Services Developer (SCDJWS) from Sun Microsystems.

He has a passion for blogging on the various areas surrounding web technology and regularly writes for his blog Techtracer. The blog mainly targets articles on Web Development, Java EE, and Ajax along with other exciting technical stuff for beginners. To get updates from his blog, subscribe to his feed. Continue reading “Nitin Pai reviews uCertify’s SCWCD PrepKit”

Anton Arhipov reviewed uCertify SCBCD 5.0 Course

Anton Arhipov

Anton Arhipov is a senior software developer in Hansabank Estonia, working with J2EE technologies and financial data integration projects. He has over 5 years of experience with Java technology and is SCJP certified.

He is also an open source enthusiast: Anton has contributed on JBoss Drools project and participated in Google Summer of Code 2007 event. Currently, he holds the researcher position at Tallinn University of Technology in the Department of Computer Engineering. Continue reading “Anton Arhipov reviewed uCertify SCBCD 5.0 Course”